‘equipping the church
on origins’

BCT Booklets

We publish a series of booklets called Biblical Creation Basics. Three titles are currently available.

No. 3: 99% missing, or where on earth did the time go? (2019, 28 pp)

99% missing, or where on earth did the time go?

Subtitled The dark matter of sedimentology, this concise and accessible booklet by Paul Garner sets out a new argument, easy for non-experts to grasp, that supports the short, biblical timeframe for earth history.

If the earth is as old as modern geology suggests (based on radiometric dating) then almost all the rock that should have been deposited over millions of years is missing. Geologists understand this problem and argue for innumerable time gaps between the rock layers we observe.

However, Paul shows that evidence of the erosion we would expect to see in those time gaps is mostly missing. In addition, there is little mixing of layers by burrowing animals – a process that can be very rapid. All this leads us to question the plausibility of the long ages of modern geology. Maybe the evidence we observe in the rock layers all over the earth fits better with Noah’s Flood?

Single copies of 99% missing are available for £5.00 each, with a discounted rate for 5 copies (£20) or 10 copies (£35), all prices including postage and packing. Cheques payable to ‘Biblical Creation Trust’ to BCT, P.O. Box 325, Ely CB7 5YH. Discounted rates are available for multiple copies: please request details.

No. 2: Adam or death: which came first? (2017, 30 pp)


The Bible tells a story – a true story of the history of our world. Dr Stephen Lloyd explains why the order of events in that story matters for:

  • the coherence of the gospel
  • the goodness of God and human identity
  • robust scientific research on origins

‘…this little booklet brings clarity, and confidence in the gospel.’

from the foreword by Bill James (Principal, London Seminary)

Hard copies of Adam or death: which came first? are available for £5.00 each (including postage and packing). Cheques payable to ‘Biblical Creation Trust’ to BCT, P.O. Box 325, Ely CB7 5YH. Discounted rates are available for multiple copies: please request details.

No. 1: I’m a creationist… get me out of here! (2016, 8 pp)

So you’re a Christian young person studying science? You believe in creation, because that’s what the Bible teaches, but you’re wondering how to handle the issue at school or college. You have some difficult decisions to make.

Will you openly challenge what you’re being taught about evolution, or will you keep quiet? Will you avoid science as much as you can and opt for other subjects? Or will you embrace science and hope that your faith stands up under the challenge?

Being a creationist at school or college is not easy and in this booklet Paul Garner offers some helpful practical advice.

Hard copies of I’m a creationist… get me out of here! are available for £1.20 each (including postage and packing). Cheques payable to ‘Biblical Creation Trust’ to BCT, P.O. Box 325, Ely CB7 5YH. Discounted rates are available for multiple copies: 10 for £6.50 and 25 for £13.50. For larger quantities please request details.

In addition, a low-resolution copy is available for free download (1MB), along with a Polish translation (575KB). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these PDF files. Click on the thumbnail to open the PDF file in a new browser window (then save it if you want to). Alternatively you can right click on the thumbnail and choose ‘save linked file as’ (or similar) and it will download the PDF file; the file size is given as an indication of download time.