‘equipping the church
on origins’

Our speakers and associates

Paul Garner MSc, FGS is a full-time Researcher and Lecturer for BCT. He has an MSc in Geoscience from University College London, where he specialised in palaeobiology. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London and a member of several other scientific societies. His first book, The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation, was published by Evangelical Press in 2009.

Steve Lloyd MA, PhD works part-time as a Researcher and Lecturer for BCT and is also pastor of Hope Church, Gravesend. He studied Materials Science at the University of Cambridge and was appointed to a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. Steve also has a Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Cambridge. He contributed to the book Debating Darwin published by Paternoster in 2009.

Matthew Pickhaver BSc, PGCE is an Associate Lecturer with BCT and our Communications Manager. Matthew was awarded a BSc in Zoology by University College London and a PGCE by the University of East Anglia before teaching in a state primary school for 12 years. More recently he has been engaged in regular preaching and evangelism in Norfolk, including open air and youth work.

William Worraker is an Associate Researcher with BCT. He has a BSc (Hons) in Physics and a PhD in Engineering Mathematics, both from University of Bristol, UK. Employed in scientific software development until recently, he has been an active amateur astronomer for over 25 years and participated in collaborative professional-amateur observing projects. His current BCT research seeks a scientific solution to the ‘Flood Heat Problem’: where did all the heat go that was released during the Genesis Flood?

If you would like to arrange a meeting, our speakers will be happy to offer you help and advice. See our contact page for details.

Our trustees

Philip Bazlinton MEng studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath. He was commissioned into the British Army before developing a career as a technical planner and business process specialist and now works in systems and product manufacturing within the oil and gas sector. He and his wife attend Soham Baptist Church in Cambridgeshire.

Stephen Bazlinton BDS(Lond), LDS RCS(Eng) has qualifications in Dentistry from Guy’s Hospital in London and was ordained following theological studies at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. He served for three years in Ethiopia with the Society of International Missionaries. He currently lives in Essex and attends and assists in the ministry of Henham, Elsenham and Ugley benefice.

James Bejon BSc, PGDip, MA has a background in music and financial maths, but is currently involved in biblical research, finishing up a PhD at Cambridge University in biblical names. His other biblical interests include chronology and typology. James worships at a church in Romford, London, where he lives.

Nancy Darrall BSc, PhD, MSc has a doctorate in Botany from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and went on to spend 14 years in biology research for the Central Electricity Generating Board. She subsequently trained as a Speech and Language Therapist working mainly in the specialism of hearing impairment. She is a member of a Grace Baptist church near Manchester.

Richard Haddow MA studied Mathematics at Cambridge. With experience in information technology and investment banking, he co-founded a management consultancy with offices in London and New York. Having relinquished full-time business commitments, he now teaches secondary-level maths and physics part-time, and serves on the leadership team at North Bradley Baptist Church in Wiltshire.

Colin Reeves BSc, MPhil, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Operational Research at Coventry University and continues an active research agenda. In the last 25 years he has published over 100 papers and several books, making particular contributions to the development of evolutionary algorithms. He attends Emmanuel Evangelical Church in Leamington Spa.

David Tyler MSc, PhD FTI MInstP CPhys has a background in the physical sciences. He is Professor of Fashion Technologies at Manchester Metropolitan University, a Fellow of the Textile Institute and a Member of the Institute of Physics. He has written many articles that seek to develop a Christian perspective on origins and is the author of The Guide: Creation – Chance or Design? published by Evangelical Press in 2003. He and his wife are members of Mottram Evangelical Church in Cheshire.