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News & Blog page 24 (latest)
‘Creation Together!’
18 December 2024,What would happen if three young-age creationists sat down with three theistic evolutionists to talk about their differences? This summer we found out—when Core Academy of Science hosted ‘Creation Together’ in Dayton, Tennessee.
BCT’s Paul Garner, along with biologist Todd Wood and palaeontologist Marcus Ross represented the young-age creationist position. Biologists Darrel Falk and Joel Duff and palaeontologist Ralph Stearley represented the theistic evolution position. Rob Barrett served as moderator.
For two days, they worshipped, prayed and read the Bible together; ate meals together; shared their personal stories; explained what they believed about creation and why, and what they think is at stake in the creation-evolution debate.
Their time together culminated with a public event at which Darrel and Todd took to the stage to continue their dialogue, with Paul chairing. Check out the latest episode of our podcast to see how that went! Click here.
It’s fair to say that the group didn’t resolve their disagreements—in fact they barely scratched the surface. The differences between their viewpoints are profound and really matter. But they did seek to engage with one another in Christian love despite their disagreements, and the Holy Spirit was at work. As our Saviour said, ‘By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.’ (John 13:35)
We fervently hope that these discussions can continue, but that depends on whether future funding is available. If you’d like to help, please see Todd’s latest blog post for more information: Creation Together and the future!.

From left to right, the photo shows Paul Garner, Marcus Ross, Ralph Stearley, Rob Barrett, Joel Duff, Todd Wood and Darrel Falk. Courtesy of Core Academy of Science.
‘Rattlesden Report’
18 December 2024,Last month, Rattlesden Baptist in Suffolk hosted Matthew Pickhaver to speak at their men’s meeting. He introduced our ministry - including the Cambridge House project - before presenting scriptural and scientific evidence for the Genesis Flood, and its significance in the storyline of the gospel.
A number attended from other local churches and discussion continued over refreshments - about hominin fossils, the canopy theory, earthquakes and volcanoes, the ark’s dimensions and human population data. Keen interest was also shown in the resources available and a return visit has already been booked for next year.
‘The Image of God and the Tower of Babel’
13 November 2024,On Sunday 3 November, Paul Garner and Matthew Pickhaver led morning worship services in two local churches. Paul was at Soham Baptist in Cambridgeshire where he preached about the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11:1-9. Find out how the Babel account satirises human pride and arrogance and how archaeological and cultural evidence confirms its historicity, as well as some of its lessons for the present day, by listening to the sermon ‘The Lord came down’ here.

Matthew at Hainault Road Baptist Church.
Meanwhile, Matthew was at Hainault Road Baptist in Leyton, east London (pictured). He preached from Genesis 1:26-27 about what it means that we’re made in the Image of God and how that image-bearing is marred by our sin but can be mended by the Saviour. You can hear the service here (with the sermon from 30:15). Both gave ministry updates too, including the latest on Cambridge House.
In the evening Paul also gave a talk to Truth in Science’s After 8 Student Forum on Zoom, presenting ‘Geological evidence of a worldwide flood’, followed by a Q&A.
‘Sharing our Work at Word on the Wash’
10 October 2024,On Saturday 5 October, Matthew Pickhaver again ran a resource table at the ‘Word on the Wash’ one-day Bible conference in King’s Lynn, Norfolk. Some interesting conversations were had about our work and the importance of the origins issue, with both existing and new contacts. Besides sales, we gave out many copies of our Prayer News, while a number of returning delegates expressed appreciation for Stephen Lloyd's seminar at last year's event.

The BCT stall at Word on the Wash.
‘Fossils, Friends and Field Trips in France!’
10 October 2024,Paul Garner has returned from the Wort und Wissen geoscience meeting, based this year in Reims, north-eastern France. The conference theme was the Paris Basin and the rapid radiation of the mammals in the Tertiary. Paul gave a talk about the extension of the Paris Basin in southern England. The conference also included a field trip to a number of geological sites in the region, as well as to the natural history and palaeontology museums in Paris.
Attendees came from several European countries and we were delighted this year to be joined by Dr Marcus Ross from across the pond! After the conference, Paul and some colleagues also had the opportunity to visit some other geological localities to the west of Paris and on the Normandy coast.

‘equipping the church
on origins’