‘equipping the church
on origins’

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News & Blog page 16

The Genesis Fund

22 January, 2021

The makers of the hit documentary film, ‘Is Genesis History?’, have launched ‘The Genesis Fund’, a new way for people to support creationist projects, including exciting new research initiatives.

The Genesis Fund.

Thomas Purifoy and Del Tackett of ‘Is Genesis History?’.

We’re delighted to say that one of the projects that will benefit from your gifts is the publication of a new full-colour illustrated book on fossils and the history of life by Paul Garner! Find out more (and see a draft chapter of the book) here.

Now in stock: Day by Day

21 January, 2021

Dr Todd Wood’s meditations on the days of creation were one of the highlights of Core Academy’s recent Creation Celebration, and they’re now available as a colourful 40-page booklet.

Day by Day meditations.

‘Day by Day’ meditations by Dr Todd Wood.

We have 100 copies of Day by Day and you can get yours for £5.50 (including p+p) from Biblical Creation Trust, P.O. Box 325, Ely, CB7 5YH. There are discounts for multiple copies too: 5 for £25 and 10 for £45 (both including p+p).

And if you make out a new regular standing order to BCT we’ll send you a free copy as a ‘thank you’! Just complete the response form on the website and post it to our P.O. Box. Click here for response form

BCT in ET 

20 January, 2021

January’s edition of Evangelical Times features Matthew’s interview with Dr Stephen Lloyd about the state of Christianity and creationism in the UK today.

A Bombardier Beetle.

BCT in ET, interview of Dr Stephen Lloyd by Matthew Pickhaver.

Blogging about Bombardier Beetles and Baraminology! 

20 January, 2021

Paul Garner recently responded to a prominent theistic evolutionist who has suggested that bombardier beetles pose some difficulties for creationist views about speciation. The article appeared on the ‘New Creation’ blog, which is sponsored by the team who brought us the ‘Is Genesis History?’ film and resources. 

A Bombardier Beetle.

A Bombardier Beetle.

‘New Creation’ is well worth exploring as you will find a wealth of fascinating reading on many different topics, with contributions from Steve Austin, Kurt Wise, Todd Wood, Marcus Ross, Andrew Snelling and others.

Paul’s article: https://newcreation.blog/bombardier-beetles-baraminology/

New Creation blog: https://newcreation.blog/

‘Creation Celebration’ 

20 January, 2021

On 6–7 November our friends at Core Academy of Science in the US held a Creation Celebration, an online opportunity to explore the wonders of God's world.

The event included devotions based on the seven days of creation by Core's president Todd Wood and panel discussions on creation, the fall and the flood in which Todd was joined by our own Paul Garner and palaeontologist Marcus Ross.

A variety of speakers from across the world were also asked to produce short videos on a range of creation topics. BCT was pleased to contribute three of these.

Introductory Video

20 January, 2021

In this short video, Matthew Pickhaver introduces our ministry, including our aims, personnel, resources and how to engage. Please help us by watching, liking and sharing this as widely as possible on social media or with anyone you think might be interested. And subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of new content in the future!


Introductort video

Introductory video.

Creation Moments 5

9 October, 2020

In our latest video, Matthew Pickhaver looks at the story of the peppered moth, and what it tells us about biological change.

BCT in the BCN!

9 October, 2020

We are grateful to a supporter who has been buying and distributing copies of our booklets, one of which led to this review appearing in the British Church Newspaper.

Paul Garner's booklet reviewed in BCN.

Paul Garner's booklet reviewed in BCN.

If anyone else knows of publications or online platforms which we may have overlooked, and which you think would be interested in featuring BCT and its work or publications, do please tell them about us – or us about them! 

Truth in Science Student Summer School

8 October, 2020

At the beginning of September, Stephen Lloyd and Paul Garner took part in the second Truth in Science Student Summer School. Also going online this year, around fifty people attended - supporters as well as students - to hear talks on medical ethics, educational philosophy, science and the Bible, Covid-19, the age of the earth and preparing for university.

Stephen Lloyd spoke on ‘Adam, identity and some cosmological implications’.

Stephen Lloyd spoke on the right questions to ask about origins.

Stephen spoke on ‘Adam, identity and some cosmological implications’, suggesting that the right questions to ask about origins are really ‘why did Jesus have to die?’ and ‘who is human?’ Paul again dealt with challenges, this time from the fossil record and in particular transitional forms. The useful discussions that followed in the interactive sessions showed how well these talks too were received.

Paul Garner spoke on transitional forms in the fossil record.

Paul Garner spoke on transitional forms in the fossil record.

'New Creation' is well worth exploring as you will find a wealth of fascinating reading on many different topics, with contributions from Steve Austin, Kurt Wise, Todd Wood, Marcus Ross, Andrew Snelling and others.

Paul’s article: https://newcreation.blog/bombardier-beetles-baraminology/ New Creation blog: https://newcreation.blog/

Facing the hard problems in creation geology

8 October, 2020

‘You’re a gifted storyteller. It was told in a beautiful way, smooth, enjoyable.’

‘Thanks for your talk… I have always wanted that balance of encouragement, honesty and realism to characterize us.’

‘It reminds me a lot of what I went through – I had to trust and obey God in my times of darkest doubt. Then the answers to some of my questions came later… very encouraging.’

These were some of the comments from fellow creation researchers about Paul Garner’s presentation for Origins 2020 at the end of July. In this 43-minute talk Paul weaves his personal story into a look at hard problems in creation geology, such as granite formation, sharing both encouragements and existing challenges.


You can watch the presentation for yourself by clicking on the title slide below:

Origins is the annual conference of the Creation Biology Society (CBS) and Creation Geology Society (CGS), and this year’s online event also saw the launch of the Creation Theology Society (CTS), with a board of theologians and textual experts committed to young-age creationism.

You can read Matthew Pickhaver’s full report below, which includes links to the CBS and CGS abstracts, as well as the CTS website: 

Click here to read a full report of Origins 2020.

A new paper on the Flood heat problem!

8 October, 2020
The Flood heat problem.

Dr Bill Worraker’s new paper on the Flood heat problem.

Dr Bill Worraker has been researching the Flood heat problem on behalf of BCT. The third in his series of in-depth papers in the Answers Research Journal deals with vapour canopy models and their thermal implications. See here.

A new edition of a creation classic!

7 October, 2020
The story of a remarkable dinosaur dig

The newly released fourth edition.

Many of us remember being inspired by the first edition of Dr Sylvia Baker’s Bone of Contention, which was published in 1976. BCT Trustee Dr Nancy Darrall reviews the newly released fourth edition:

‘This influential overview of the issues of creation and evolution is once again available, now updated to include discussion of advances in many areas of science. It has a helpful historical perspective of how evolution took over from the long-accepted view of creation. One chapter discusses how evolutionary belief influences many areas of life and leads to an acceptance of atheism for some or mistaken views of the character of God and of the reason for suffering and disease in the world. This new edition continues to meet the original aim of being readily understandable to the general reader whilst containing enough information to satisfactorily explain issues. Topics covered include the fossil record, the age of the earth and relevant areas of genetics. It is suitable for late teen and adult readerships and has a helpful bibliography, including websites, for those wishing to take it further.’

Bone of Contention by Dr Sylvia Baker, 4th edition, published by Evangelical Press, 2020, 91pp 

One copy costs £4.50 (inc. P&P), with 5+ copies at £3.99 each (inc. P&P). To order please contact Debra at admin@biblicalcreationtrust.org or on 01353 721578.

Genesis Kinds with the CBCG

7 October, 2020
The 'creationist orchard'.

The ‘creationist orchard’ model.

‘According to its kind: a biblical classification of living things’ was the title of Matthew Pickhaver’s presentation for the Cambridge Biblical Creation Group on 26 June.

After looking at biological classification and species definitions, we turned to Genesis and other Scriptures to introduce the 'kind’ concept, before tracing the development of creationist thinking through hybridisation studies to baraminology - an attempt to identify those kinds. Examples of research were given including bears, woodpeckers and famous evolutionary series such as horses, feathered dinosaurs and hominids.

We concluded that the living world is characterised by discontinuity, in keeping with the ‘creationist orchard’ model, and touched on implications such as rapid speciation after the Flood. Finally, as directed by Romans 1:20, we considered what such discontinuity reveals about the Creator Himself. 

Nearly 30 people tuned in to watch via Skype, and asked useful questions afterwards about the whale series and feathered dinosaurs, as well as leaving encouraging feedback.

Cambridge Biblical Creation Group Meetings

7 October, 2020
Paul garner speaking remotely to the meeting.

Paul Garner speaking to the meeting.

Cambridge Biblical Creation Group have hosted Paul’s geological talk 99% missing, or where on earth did the time go? via Skype. Around 40 people tuned in with quite a few asking useful questions at the end. Feedback was very positive. One wrote to say, ‘My wife and I really enjoyed your talk. My geology “maxed” out at GCSE level but I thought your presentation was very clear and measured.’ Another said: ‘We have been home-schooling our 11- and 13-year-old boys since September, and they stayed up to listen to it. We all enjoyed it, and wanted to thank you.’

Oak Hill Lectures

7 October, 2020
Stephen speaking to the students via zoom.

Stephen Lloyd speaking to the students remotely.

In May, Stephen Lloyd was able to give his lectures on Science, Christianity and Apologetics as part of the first-year apologetics course at Oak Hill College. The lectures were given remotely via Zoom, but there was an excellent response from the students, many of whom stayed on-line to ask questions beyond the scheduled end of the session. Pray that Biblical Creation thinking would shape the future ministry of these students.

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